Major Advantages of Decentralized Exchange (DEX) For Crypto Traders

Through the years, the cryptocurrency exchange industry has gone through major changes. Crypto traders have adopted various ways to ensure a seamless and hassle-free transaction when buying or selling tokens. Although traders are most familiar with centralized crypto exchanges, decentralized exchanges (DEX) are also popular.

Decentralized Exchange and How it Works

Because of the flaws discovered with the centralized exchanges, decentralized cryptocurrency exchange platforms were created.  When a user wants to buy or sell crypto, they do it through an exchange platform. Aside from the centralized exchanges, users are seeing the benefits of transacting through decentralized exchanges like ADAX. Before you consider this option, it is important that you first understand how it works.

Centralized Exchange works where a third party is involved. It can be a bank, government institution, or trading platform. With DEX, this platform will allow users to purchase and sell crypto without the need for a 3rd-party mediator. Instead, the peer-to-peer transaction is done through a safe and secure online platform. This is what makes DEX different from the traditional ways of a centralized exchange. 


Various Types of DEX

There are different types of decentralized exchanges that you should be familiar with. DEX is known to operate on a single blockchain. And even though there are various types, they all have one thing in common – they operate orders without having to keep the funds from the users. So here are the different DEX types that you should be familiar with:

  • On-Chain. There are decentralized exchanges that follow a chain of processes. This ensures that all the stages are done in order. Although this process is slow and time-consuming, many prefer this because it is a safe option.
  • Off-Chain. These are decentralized but are also centralized in some ways. Compared to the on-chain order books where everything is stored on the blockchain, the off-chain orders are being posted to other places. This offers less congestion, thus provides faster transactions.
  • Automated Market Maker. This is currently the most popular DEX type. Unlike the first two DEXs, the Automated Market Maker (AMM) allows users to create a market without the need for a counterparty. There’s no need to directly transact with another exchange, person, or market-maker. But instead, the user will trade through smart contracts for a more seamless and hassle-free process.

ADAX – Trusted Crypto Auto Market Maker

Cryptocurrency traders these days are looking for the best Decentralized Exchange platforms in the Cardano Network.  And right now, one of the most popular automated market makers in crypto trading is ADAX. The platform serves the Cardano network users. It lets you trade seamlessly with no restrictions with ER20 as its native token. ADAX was designed to have features in favor of the Cardano ecosystem for a smooth trading experience. Currently, ADAX is believed to be the best rival of the largest DEXs in this industry. 

So, should you consider decentralized exchanges? There are plenty of reasons why fans and followers prefer DEX. They do not only prevent hacking risks, all tokens can also be traded here. And most importantly, users can keep their anonymity. 

The Main Sections of a CV

At this time, it is strongly recommended to make a simple CV to attract recruiters. But a simple resume does not mean an incomplete one. Some sections are mandatory so that the employer has a good understanding of your profile and your professional background. Here are the essential sections, but you are obviously free to add those you want (leisure activities, language and IT skills, etc.).

The CV Title

The heading allows the recruiter to know directly which position you are applying for. Too many candidates forget to do so, however, for a recruiter who receives dozens of applications every day and for different positions, an untitled CV is synonymous with sloppy application. Which title to choose? Simply use the job title that appears in the advertisement if you are responding to an offer. For a spontaneous application, choose the title that best defines your profile or the title of the position to which you aspire. Avoid just writing “curriculum vitae” in the title. The recruiter will already know that it is a CV.

The Contact Details

Your last name, first name, email address and telephone number are essential for the recruiter to contact you. Display them prominently at the top of your curriculum vitae. A picture is not mandatory, but if you decide to add one, consider choosing a photo on which you smile and look pleasant. Do not underestimate the sympathy capital that a photo can convey. You can also add a sort of teaser. This short text of a few lines takes the form of a short description and highlights your strengths, your experience or your professional project.

The Work Experience

Your professional experiences are the heart of your CV since they summarize your career path the best. This is the information that the recruiter will look at first, so it is also in this section that you can score points and stand out from other candidates! Keep in mind that you should only bring up experiences that resonate with what the business is looking for. Arrange your experiences in an ante chronological order, that is to say from the most recent to the oldest ones.

The Education Section

Many recruiters give a lot of importance to the educational career of a candidate. If you are still a student or if you do not have real professional experience yet, do not hesitate to expand this section by specifying the options you have followed, the competitions in which you have participated or the major projects on which you have worked during your schooling. To improve your CV, you can find a resume template list by using resume builder online.

Key Problems That Novice Traders Face

Forex trading is an easy and fast way to earn money via an online platform. There are a lot of opportunities and options that can make the process so smooth for gaining profit. High liquidity and leverage can easily make some opportunities for newcomers. As it is a huge financial platform, there are a lot of problems for investors. If you are a beginner in this sector, then this article is for you. We will discuss the major problems that novice traders face, so, let’s begin.

Key problems that the newbies face

Too much information

Understanding the market condition before investing money in this sector will be more effective for newcomers. Reality is different from your expectation. It can change the overall situation if there is some excessive information. There will be some approaches to making some wrong decision if the information is more detailed than necessary. Newbies in Hong Kong often face these types of difficulties. 

Most of the time, there is some confusion about how to make a proper decision as there is ahuge amount of information. People are just unable to select a preferable idea from that huge information. Finding a way to earn money will not be possible if you are not willing to get the proper information you need to gain success.

Sticking to the trading plan

Another problem is not maintaining a suitable plan. Beginners often face this problem. There are some rules and tactics you can followto succeed in every profession and Forex is no expectation. There are various plans and tactics newbies can employ. But all the rules are not suitable for them. The most suitable tactics should be identified, and a plan should be maintained by novice traders. It will be effective for their overall performance. 

Sticking to a suitable plan is the solution for this type of problem. Learning the basics, practicing, and following the rules will be effective for gaining success within a short time. If necessary, get a demo account from Saxo. Try it now and you will notice demo account provide the perfect learning environment. Take advantage of the risk free environment and boost your skills.

Right and positive mindset for the newbies

Try to build up a specific and positive mindset. Sometimes the mindset is dependent on the emotional characteristics. Experienced and professionals often tell to set a positive mindset for gaining success in this sector. It is a very common problem for newbies that they are impatient in their activities. They try to get success very quickly. Yes, everyone wants that, but they should be patient about achieving success. No one in this sector will attain success without going through some hard times. Work with passion and make the right decisions at the right time. It will be effective for the career. 

Another important reason for failing is not accepting the loss and closing the position within a very short time. Try to set the stop loss and make an effective decision during upcoming deals. Avoid reckless trading, and you will succeeded easily. Newcomers should be aware of this situation and take the necessary actions to overcome these problems.

Planning for long run

Without proper planning and maintaining some rules and tactics, the newbies will not succeed so easily. They should focus on the long-term movement of the trade setups. Investors should take the necessary actions regarding money and risk management. According to the suggestions of experienced traders, newbies have to learn the basic elements that can help them to be succeeded in the future. If they want to make consistent improvement in their career, they should set a suitable plan for the long-term.

Not all the strategies and timeframes will work in every situation. So planning is crucial to gain long-term success. Newbies should address these issues before involving themselves in Forex trading.

Baltic Dry Index

The Baltic Dry Index or the BDI is a shipping and trade index which is produced and utilized by the Baltic Exchange, and which enables them to determine the expense modifications that might be made while delivering raw material like nonrenewable fuel sources, metals, grains and so on

. Breaking down the Baltic Dry Index:

The London based Baltic Exchange came up with the BDI which is in fact a composite of 3 other sub-indexes that are utilized for determining the items that are brought by dry bulk providers like Capesize, Panamax and Supramax. The examination of multiple geographical routes is done to lend more depth to the composite measurement of the index.

Why is it crucial?

The BDI holds fantastic importance in the trading world since it helps the worried individuals comprehend the precise capacity of a cargo ship and how easily these freight ships are offered. Freight ships are specifically created to carry a particular amount of load and it takes anywhere between 2 years to build one cargo ship. Not to discuss the amount of money that enters into building a dry bulk carrier (another name for cargo ship). So, if you do not know the Baltic Dry Index, you will never be able to exactly understand just the number of cargo ships need to you be purchasing and what need to be their capacity.

What can cause changes in the Baltic Dry Index?

This Baltic Dry Index can change extremely quickly. If there is even a minor boost in the demand of cargo ships the index will likewise increase. On the contrary, even a small decrease in the demand of these ships can trigger the index to quickly drop. For example, if you have 80 ships carrying 79 cargoes the rates will decrease; but if you have 79 ships bring 8 cargoes, the index will increase.

So essentially, any little modifications either in the fleet of the ships or the logistics can either crash the rates or take them higher. Since, BDI is utilized to compute what it would cost to carry basic material through sea, a number of financial and cost-effective professionals likewise consider this index to be an excellent representative of the economic standing of a nation.

Click for more information on Baltic Dry Index

Alcohol Abuse and When to Use IV

Alcohol affects different people in different ways. Some people may enjoy some wine with food while others drink moderately in social settings. However if you are caught drinking alcohol more often and are unable to control your consumption Then that could be a dangerous sign because it would mean that you are leading yourself to alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse can lead to risky behaviour and poor judgment. It may make a person want alcohol or not be able to get through their day.

Here are some of the symptoms of alcohol abuse:

  •  Slurred speech or difficulty in speaking can be a sign of alcohol
  • Your reflexes could also slow down because of high concentration of alcohol in your blood
  • Your ability to control the movements of your body can also become  less
  • You could also notice your decision making abilities becoming poor
  • You could also be indulging in some risky behaviour
  • You may have caught yourself in between a blackout

Other symptoms of an alcohol abuse could include

  • a craving to drink alcohol
  • not being able to control your cravings
  • not being able to stop yourself from drinking
  • an-exceeding tolerance for alcohol
  • lying just to be able to drink
  • not  being able to go through the daily activities of your life without drinking
  • trying to drink without letting others know

People who are at a higher risk of alcohol abuse are:

  • people who are depressed and think of themselves as if they are alone
  • people who are dealing with loneliness
  • people who are going through psychological stress and emotional stress
  • people who have nothing to do and are bored

Alcohol abuse maybe a diagnosable condition when it begins to impact relationships or cause harm or injury and starts to have a negative effect on the quality of life of the person. There are a lot of complications when it comes to dealing with person having alcohol abuse. A person with alcohol abuse needs to acknowledge their problem because without their acknowledgement the problem cannot be solved and neither can treatment be introduced. There are many short and long term problems that can come with alcohol abuse such as poisoning due to alcohol,

Liver damage or even sexual abuse

A person trying to quit alcohol also suffers from withdrawal symptoms.

These symptoms include:

  • Feeling nauseous
  • A feeling of your body shaking
  • Feeling sweaty
  • Feeling irritated
  • Feeling a sense of anxiety
  • Having seizures
  • Experiencing hallucinations
  • Suffering from chills and fever
  • An extreme case of vomiting

An alcohol abuse can lead to very bad hangovers. A hangover can spoil many of your plans and ruin a lot of things for you. Though it is not a good think to be under the influence of alcohol you might want to seek out a way to help you get through a day when you are really hangover without having to spoil the plans that are ahead of you. Intravenous treatment in IVs in the Keys is just the right rescue for you to get over your hangover real quick.

Four activities that are good at Corporate Team Building

Working long hours together with people you don’t know anything about can become very monotonous and discouraging. That’s where corporate team building comes in. These activities that are good at corporate team building strive to bring these people with diverse backgrounds together and create memories with them.

These corporate team building events bring people close together and create partnerships that last for a lifetime! not only that, but these team building activities are known to be an excellent way to resolve tensions and enhance the productivity of the entire office.

So what are you waiting for? Take your team out and engage them in these activities that are good at corporate team building, and they don’t even cost much.

Activities that are good at corporate team building

1.     Have a field day

This is one of the steps of corporate team building, take your team out for a field day, but remember to choose a day when the weather is beautiful. This field day would be very much similar to the days spent in traditional high schools, but it would be enough to give your employees a chance to open up with each other.

There are a lot of things that you can choose to do on your field day, but whatever you do, make sure it is fun and fulfilling.

2.     Start a tradition

Many successful organisations think that starting a tradition with their teammates is good at corporate team building and setting up the foundation for healthy workplace culture. Traditions like having lunches together after closing a client or celebrating national holidays together, foster a feeling of team spirit and helps the team members to grow closer over the period.

3.     Host a happy hour kickback

There are some organisations that take their employees for a happy hour every week, and they promise that these happy hours have proved to be good at corporate building over the years. All you have to do is every week, without fail, relax together and give your team a chance to do something they would typically not have to luxury to do. And bam, when the team has shared such experiences, they tend to forget about fights and a feeling of team spirit arises!

4.     Walk a mile in each other’s shoes

This might sound unusual to you, but if you are looking for something that might prove to be an excellent corporate team building activity without costing you much, then this is going to give you fab results.

All you have to do is, let the people from different departments pair up and work on each other’s tasks for an entire day. This role switching activity creates a sense of mutual respect, solidarity and understanding and gives the pair a chance to spend the whole day together. This simple activity makes everyone considerate of another’s workload during combined projects in future.

Effective Corporate Team Building Through Expert Services

Corporate growth and success is based on the teams of professionals and their commitment to work. Any work involves the ideas and hard work of different people. Only when professionals work as a team, they grow quickly in the profession by sharing their ideas and contributing to the development of the company they work with.

Purpose Of Team Building

The first important aspect of a good teamwork is communication. It gives all members of the team to bring out their views about the work as well as their creative ideas that can be a driving factor for the team. When there is open communication between all members of the team, they feel quite confident to work as a team and also solve unnecessary problems that can arise due to miscommunication. The present day professionals always look forward at being best decision makers at all kinds of situations at work. While working as a team, the collective decision making approach empowers each and every person to act smart. Conflicts are very common at the workplace and when individuals work on resolving them, they can easily work together for long rather than having the stress. Today’s corporate world is filled with innumerable problems and the teams are skilled in arriving at best solutions. Problem solving becomes easier when all work together. Aligning roles to the members of the team gives a realization to them about their roles and their part in contributing to the success of the project. These days, many event organizers are good at corporate team building and the activities make teams know the value of team building.

Team Building Programs And Activities

There are a number of services that are experts in organizing different team building events and programs for corporate. This includes outdoor activities, indoor programs, overseas retreats, family day and a number of team building events and activities. With qualified teams with great experience in team building activities, the organizers serve as a one stop solution to team building for any corporate at best prices. The event organizers who are good at corporate team building have a huge clientele and specialize in conducting many events. With programs within the country and overseas, these services help in promoting the value of teamwork and make professionals understand about using their knowledge in the best way and working towards delivering the best results to the corporate by working as a team.

Try To Understand About Selling A House

Selling a house is a nerve-wracking undertaking. But settling on ill-advised choices in scurry could leave you re-thinking and kicking yourself over your messy choices not far off. On the off chance that you need to sell your home both rapidly and with certainty, you’ll have to know the entirety of your choices so you can settle on an educated choice that best lines up with your present conditions and objectives.

 Methods to Sell Your House Fast 

As the centuries progressed, individuals have to know how to get your house sold fast. At the point when you sell a conventional way, you need to discover a real estate professional, experience their procedure, catch up with them to ensure that they’re placing in the push to get your home sold, manage showings and the sky is the limit from there. The most exceedingly awful part is that you need to pay the real estate agents charges and commissions. Indeed, even notice about the expense of fixes, which you need to do before posting your home available. The subsequent choice is to attempt to sell the property without the realtor. Putting the online promotions, manage showings, arrange the cost, and experience the end administrative work. It can take a long very long time before you will sell the house. It’s not the best choice, either.

Selling the house to the organization

On the off chance that you have to sell your home rapidly, get a reasonable cost and would prefer not to manage a ton of issues, at that point consider selling your home. You’re not committed to doing exorbitant fixes before offering, no compelling reason to list your home with a real estate agent and we pay the end expenses and legal advisor charges. It’s extremely simple, quick, and bother free, simultaneously we ensure the reasonable cost for your property. If your house is the sole thing overloading your versatility, you have choices. For this situation and you’ll offer the house to a property purchasing organization.

When you include everything up, you’ll confirm that you just are increasingly cheerful finding a company that purchases house money. Bridge dale Home Buyers, for example, will purchase your home unfathomably quick, in just 5 days. By a wide margin, that is the speediest gratitude to sell your home inside the amazingly focused land advertises they are right now in. They will give a reasonable arrangement, as our objective is extremely straightforward to help you maintain a strategic distance from any vulnerabilities and disillusionments that come when selling using traditional techniques.

Top Benefits of Freelancing

In view of what advantages a great many people pick freelance work as the fundamental model of workflow? Here, we’ll list the main 10 freelance work points of interest of remote business. 

Not every person needs to compose straightforward messages or make basic structures for their entire lives. Numerous individuals need to freelance work. In freelance, this is likewise conceivable. There are two improvement ways: Grow expertly and become an extra-class authority. To do this, you have to continually adapt new advancements, direct tests, make your own accomplishments in freelance work. For instance, a few marketing specialists make their own composition styles. Additional class freelancers are generously compensated. Make your group and take more ventures to work. Step by step open a studio and develop into a business. This one is appropriate for freelancers who like to speak with customers, oversee, and construct frameworks. 

  • Free Schedule 

For a situation, you have worked as a freelancer, at that point the most perceptible distinction from customary business is the alternative to autonomously design a freelance work plan. For some amateurs, this is a troublesome assignment — to construct a freelance work workflow all alone, however everything accompanies understanding. 

Following half a month or long stretches of work as a freelancer, you may adequately convey the calendar. For this situation, you will approach such charms of remote work as an unconstrained end of the week in the week and freelance work in a helpful spot for you — even off the beaten track for reasons of cost reserve funds or in a tropical heaven without losing contact with clients. 

  • Fascinating Freelance Work Perspective 

Work from home freelance is brilliant in context — every expert can autonomously pick requests to finish. After some time, and alongside the development of the base of customary clients, you will run over fascinating undertakings. Support in such activities won’t just be valuable regarding development as a certified master yet additionally to weaken the mass of routine requests. 

  • Agreeable Atmosphere 

Because of the freelance work points of interest, every pro can autonomously mastermind his workplace as indicated by his very own preferences and inclinations. This enables you to work from home freelance in an agreeable air, without being occupied by the remarks of administrators and without spreading regard for what’s going on around, which positively affects profitability. 

  • Consistent Development 

Because of the way that the freelancer is acclimated with autonomously convey time and assets, he can continually create inside the calling or gain some new useful knowledge. There are seminars on the Internet for any shading, taste, and satchel, and every speculation never again guarantees spooky commendation from the chief or career advancement — each new ability straightforwardly influences the degree of income on freelance online work. 

  • Pay Level 

As per insights, representatives, that work as a freelancer, get half more cash than office representatives. All costs likewise fall on the shoulders of a remoter, however because of the consistent development as a certified expert and extending client base, growing the portfolio and other workflow angles — acquiring on freelance online work is here and there a few times higher than regular pay rates.

The Spiff Program Is the Best Motivation for Every Employee

As a part of the incentive programs, a lot of companies offer is the spiff program. A spiff is a word originating from the 17th century but today it is used in a completely different way than back then. 

Today it is used for rewarding a salesperson for selling a specific item. The reward can be of a different kind but what’s important here is that the employee gets something for selling things. Learn what a spiff is here.

Why is this important?

The paycheck is not the only motivation anymore. People go to work because they are used to. Employees in retail simply get tired of doing their best because at the end of the month they get the same amount whether they sold some product or not.

That’s why a lot of employers decide to do something about it. There are many different ways to motivate your workers, but this seems to be one of the best. It makes your employees try hard as the first day they got the job and on top of this your business flourishes because the people working in retail are doing their best to sell some of the products you set on the line.

The methods

The first, most successful and the easiest way to do this is to offer money for selling a particular item. For example, let’s say you own a clothes shop and some of the expensive jackets are simply not selling as you expected. 

Giving your employee in the store a bonus for selling them will make them motivated to convince people to buy the jacket. This will lead to more sales and more motivated workers. Everyone wins. 

If the jacket costs $200 and your calculated profit is 75$, you can set aside $20 for the employee as a bonus and still profit $50. This is way better than keeping those jackets on the raft and not being able to get in you items because those jackets are staying there forever. 

Offering no-money prizes

An interesting method of the spiff program is offering a no-money prize for achieving some objective. Let’s say you have a retail store that’s 20% lower in sales than every other store you own. Something in the team is obviously not working right. 

You can offer a team-building weekend retreat for the three employees that will make the most sales in the following month. This will motivate them to work better and will boost teamwork. It will increase the efforts given by every individual, thus, making the teamwork much better. 

After a few months, chances are big those 20% to be diminished. The store will become in line with the others and you won’t need to be thinking about closing it. 

Ask for ideas

Before taking action, you can talk to each one of them and ask them what they think about the situation in the store. You don’t have to mention your spiffing idea, or, on the contrary, you can present it as a plan but you need their opinion about it.

This can be important because more often than not, it happens your spiff program to be a failure. Why? Because the awards you’re giving them are not anything special. For example, if their salary is $2000 they won’t try too much to gain an extra $20 per month. See what employees usually mean when bonus is mentioned here:

It’s wise to ask them what they think and what sum is appropriate as a bonus. If you happen to pay less than what they expect, the program won’t work. On the other hand, if you exceed their expectations, you’ll be successful. 


A spiff program is a perfect way to tailor your retails store’s sales. Prizes and bonuses are always the best way to motivate people to work there. Think about it, why do you think these people work for you? Because they like how you look? Of course not, they work for the salary and that’s it.

Having a job at a retail store was never anyone’s dream. The first chance these people have will leave the job and go someplace else. You know it and they know it too. That’s why an occasional motivation that will make them feel satisfied is the best way to run your business.